脸书粉丝购买 印度再次出现问题!试图阻止Shopee在印度设立分站,阻挠其在Instagram上获得更多粉丝、引流流量、展现突出、买卖账

🟨🟧🟩🟦『https://t.me/buyfensi/』 - 據悉,印度律師Shashank Shekhar Jha已提起一項公共利益訴訟,旨在要求印度聯邦和商務部針對中國公司「SPPIN India Private Limited」採取適當的措施。此舉是因為該公司在印度經營電商站Shopee,涉嫌對印度的安全、主權和領土完整造成「嚴重和緊迫」的威脅。🟨🟧🟩🟦

[五岁ins引粉讚好网] https://www.wsui.cn


据悉,印度律师Shashank Shekhar Jha已提起公共利益诉讼,要求印度联邦和商务部就公司"SPPIN India Private Limited"采取适当措施,因其在印度经营电商网站Shopee,涉嫌对印度的安全、主权和领土完整产生重大和紧急的危险。

據悉,印度律師Shashank Shekhar Jha已提起一項公共利益訴訟,旨在要求印度聯邦和商務部針對中國公司「SPPIN India Private Limited」採取適當的措施。此舉是因為該公司在印度經營電商站Shopee,涉嫌對印度的安全、主權和領土完整造成「嚴重和緊迫」的威脅。




据Shashank Shekhar Jha所述,SPPIN India Private Limited在经营多个平台,包括销售网站seller.shopee.in和shopee.in,以及移动应用程序Shopee: Online Shopping。


根据诉状,腾讯是Shopee母公司SEA的股东,持有其22.9%的股份。诉讼请求涉及SPPIN India Private Limited采取行动,其经营活动违反了投资政策(FDI)和外汇管理法(FEMA)规定。


Shashank Shekhar Jha claimed in the lawsuit that the petitioners are aware that the public and private data of Indian citizens collected by SPPIN may be at risk of being compromised, as it is believed to be stored in the cloud, allowing the government to directly or indirectly access it.

In the lawsuit, Shashank Shekhar Jha claims that the data collected by SPPIN from Indian citizens could be compromised, as it is believed to be stored in the cloud, and there is a possibility for the Chinese government to access this data directly or indirectly. Additionally, there are services such as increasing Instagram followers, redirecting traffic to Instagram, obtaining Instagram likes, and buying and selling Instagram accounts and followers.

编译✎   玛丽/



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